Football Friday: Favorite Receiver

I’m going to try my hardest to keep this series going throughout the football season. I hope you enjoy it. Question of the day: Who’s your favorite NFL receiver on your favorite NFL team of all time? I needed to add the specificity of your favorite NFL...

My Thoughts About Yoga

This is either going to be a fairly popular post, or one just like the others that no one really talks about. Right. I guess I should have just said, “this has potential to be ‘controversial’. Maybe.” I’ll leave it up to my awesome...

I Visited Bizzaro World Today

1) I woke up in a fairly decent mood and was really motivated to go to the gym after work. I did. And it was at an LA Fitness. o_0 2) I took less food than normal for lunch and I didn’t starve to death. o_0 3) I used the stepmill for 10 minutes. o_0 4) I’m...