Are You Really Ever Too Old?

Y’all remember Brian from this post, right? Ok, he wasn’t really in there all that long. Just long enough to make a cameo. Well, I thought I should give him a little more camera time. As a 67 year old powerlifter, obviously vanity is his number one...

Helllooooooo? Are you in there?

Before I even get into it, I know that this is going to be a spin-off/sequel/more in-depth post of my Kidz post and “You can’t be a pussy your whole life” quote. It is inspired by a discussion on another website and a TV show. If you haven’t...

What’s the Point?

I wouldn’t call myself, nor do I think I have ever heard anyone else, call me deep, philosophical, wise, or genius (unless it was said with deep sarcasm), but every once in a great while, one of the great mystery’s of life will hit me. Then I’m...

My Epic 2 Hr. Cardio Battle

Wow, so, where do I begin? I know, how about how I hate anything and everything related to cardiovascular workouts. I’m not a fan of sprint workouts, not real keen on circuit training, and I might rather stick a pencil through my eyeball than do steady-state...

Kids these Days!

I sat in my cubical today and received a Tweet from @MensHealthMag, oops, I mean, Men’s Health Magazine (for those of you that don’t speak Twit). It said, “Kid goes into McDonald’s and orders..yogurt? Is the fast food industry finally taking...