1) I woke up in a fairly decent mood and was really motivated to go to the gym after work. I did. And it was at an LA Fitness. o_0

2) I took less food than normal for lunch and I didn’t starve to death. o_0

3) I used the stepmill for 10 minutes. o_0

4) I’m going to yoga in about an hour. o_0

What. The. Hell???

Well, actually, I have some ideas as to what’s going on with the first 2.

I used the stepmill in order to get ready for my mini-mountaineering trip to Clould Peak.

I’m going to yoga for some relaxation; to spend time with a hot, sweaty chick; and if I manage to increase my flexibility even more, that’s ok. I don’t think it will hurt my climbing at all.

Even though I’m alright with all of these things, it still feels like bizarro world to me. :-/

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