I just got done writing a 1,000 word post (as seen below on the home page), and I am not happy with it even though it has gotten 2 out of 2 good reviews from the people I gave passwords. So, until I get a chance to get that post in a form I’m happy with, I will give you this quick and dirty update…

The main subject of the post that I’m not happy with is psychological state management. I get into all the details of what that means in that post so I’m just going to leave it up to you to figure it out for yourself (for now) or leave you in the dark (for now).

What that boils down to is finding what keeps you sane when you perceive that everything around you is trying to make you go insane.

I noted all of my day-to-day methods in that other post, but one HEEEEE-YUGE method I use to stay sane is camping trips and outdoor sports. I spent this past Thursday through Sunday in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area on the Minnesota and Canadian border. In fact, right here to be exact:
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It was so awesome that I was expecting to come back 5 pounds heavier. We ate well, and it was no thanks to the local fishing population either.

Anyways, I’m not into Flikr (since I friggin hate pictures) and it’s a pain in the arse to upload pics to my site (been meaning to talk to my server admin about that). So, you’ll have to click here to look at all the pics on my Facebook album. (And don’t forget to add me as a friend!)


Now it’s your turn. What do you do to relax and enjoy yourself?

Don’t Miss Your Chance

I was stuck in Corporate America for 9 years. I was miserable.

Then I took control.

You can too, and it starts right here.