More specifically, what’s holding me back? Three, maybe four or five, things are [mostly] happening simultaneously right now, as I type this.
- Last night I created a new static page on this website devoted specifically to my “Tiny Home Project“. I’m all in on this and will be going to look at two different trailers later this week, possibly today. (This is considered “simultaneous” because I’m still promoting it today on social media, and contacting companies that may be interested in helping out.)
- 20 minutes ago, I shared this video from‘s Facebook page. It inspired the hell out of me.
- Which caused me to watch “Art of Flight”.
- Then a friend messaged me, saying I should try out for American Ninja Warrior. I’ve had no less than a dozen people tell me this.
- And now, because I’m typing this, I’m reflecting on a text message I received from Pamela after climbing in Vedauwoo.
So again, I ask, “What’s Holding Me Back?”
As far as I can see, it’s me. I’m holding me back.
Am I afraid of failure? Afraid of success? Not recognizing current success? Downplaying accomplishments? What is it?
Why do others recognize my capabilities, but I don’t? Why am I afraid to make the leap required to do the things necessary to live up to my supposed potential?
Or maybe I’m just self-absorbed. Maybe I’m a “victim” of my Gen. Y stereotype.
I don’t know what it is, but I don’t have any answers. I only know what actions I can take to get me where I want to be. If only I wasn’t afraid to take those first steps.