Just like the title says, what’s your favorite protein source?
Better yet, what’s your favorite if availability and money weren’t an option, and what’s your favorite that you normally eat in your day-to-day life?
I’ll go first…
Absolute favorite protein source has to be King Crab Legs. I’ve heard Kobe Beef will make a vegan turn carnivoure, but I’ve never had it so King Crab is still my fav.
Favorite day-to-day? Eggs. I eat 4-5 eggs several times a week. Over easy, scrambled, sunny side up, poached, hard boiled, and everything in-between.
Now, what say you?
Beef!!! It’s what’s for dinner or breakfast or lunch!!!
Absolute favorites: salmon, scallops, & ahi tuna
Day-to-day: egg whiiiiites!!! and some chicken 😀
I could never replace beef from my diet. I prefer it rare and accompanied by an ice cold beer.
I wish my absolute favorites were affordable like yours(except the Ahi). I’m still not quite sure how you can eat just the egg white’s though. YUGHCK!
I’m with you and Carrie eggs are my go to source for protein. Milk, yogurt, cheese, and other dairy run a close second. Fail on the second part of your quiz = I don’t have an exotic favorite.
That is just pure sadness, especially living in Korea. You should have access to some of the fanciest seafoods in the world. Right?
Beans! although they don’t have that much protein(like meat). Yogurt is also good.
Valid! Was wondering if I’d get some vegan responses.
I also eat a shitton of eggs. They’re cheep, and there are tuns of fun things you can do to make them delicous, including adding lots of other delicious things.
My go-to is grilled chicken breasts though. I eat tons of that stuff.
In terms of favorite regardless of cots, probably a big steak, though that isn’t really a “protein source” like chicken is. I do love good fish though.
Straight beef. Just like me. No fillers.
Oh yeah, WHOLE eggs are cool. And cheap.
Exactly why I love eggs myself. They’re amazing alone, but foodgasmic when extra stuff is added.
Our sushi meeting was respectable, but I don’t think I was fully prepared. Fogo is a must the next time we meet.
Chicken wings washed down with a cold one.
I get the majority of my protein from regular meals, lots of chicken, with an assortment of beef and a very small bit of fish. I also supplement with Muscleology’s Nitro Pro whey protein powder after my workouts, it’s the best protein powder that I’ve tried so far.
If I were to have my druthers, American Wagyu would be my choice.