I’m doing some off-site product testing for my enginerding job today and more bored than usual. Gives me lots of time to reflect on my projects and goals and life. The thing that keeps popping up is money. So I ask you…
What would you do with A Million dollars?
Did anyone say two chicks at the same time time?
Pay off all my debt, buy a lot of guns and a couple motorcycles, and go racing.
Honestly, I would put most of it in the bank and see if I can still live on my meagre salary. Or, I would buy a place and still try to live off my salary. OR, I’d get a house, a car, and a whole new wardrobe and be miserable as hell. 😉
Pay Debt. Buy Bikes. Relax for a month. Go Back to work :(.
Is it my million dollars?
All very nice things. Glad I’m not the only nerd that would pay off debt and then just sit on it…or at least invest it in my “training business”.
No one mentioned 2 chicks at one time, but that is very relevant to my interests.
It may or may not be *your* million dollars, but you can still spend it carefree without worry of the coming after you….or your wife.
Pay Debt
Buy a new home (cuz mines old and mildewy)
Buy a new car cuz I love cars.
Give to Charity.
Travel the world and experience its many diverse cultures.
Pay off ALL debt so could quit my job and spend more quality time with my family! And definitely donate 10% to my parish. Oh and pay off my sons debt as well so ge can get on the right track!
id prob pay off any debt… (not that much in the whole scheme of things, mainly my truck…
use it for school, some type of investment to make more money… a million inst enough to live off unfortunately
Absolutely without question pay off remaining debt, put it in the bank and leave it untouched for 1 year. Then decide how to invest it wisely without spending a dime. Only enjoy the added bonuses from the interest and enjoy a helluva happy life knowing that I have a safety net for the rest of my life. In other words, I’d pay a million dollars for peace of mind.
wow, great answear
Pay off my parents’ house. Pay off my parents’ debt (loans for college expenses, both me and my brother). Pay off my debt (college loans). Make sure my brother has enough for college. Give my parents a healthy portion. Put enough away for myself in the bank to accrue interest. Then, and only then, would I do anything else with it. In particular, a dependable vehicle (nothing fancy), and maybe a couple other discretionary purchases.
If only America was as smart as my readers we’d probably be much better off.
Thanks, peeps!
Same as the above pay off debt. Buy a house for my parents & sister& of course myself. Then save/invest the rest. I’d still work but take at least one awesome vacation a year
I would grow my Photography studio and work it full time and if it was a sucess great! and if not I would find a way to retire or only work part time with the rest of the money.
I’d start a non-profit organization locally (in hopes to expand nationally) to insure that physical fitness is continually taught in schools. Not the bullshit PE stuff but pure fitness. Start them young and they’ll continue into adulthood.
Then I’d buy a steak with a side of steak…which I can afford now…so that will be dinner for me tonight!
Pay off my student loan, car payment and mortgage. Buy a plane and private pilot to fly me all over every weekend to see family and friends that are dispersed. Help out my Dad and siblings with debt. Invest the remaining. I love my job, so I would definitely keep working. Nerd, i know.
pay off my parents debt, buy a non-whitetrash saleen 😉 take a much needed vacation, take a few dance classes, donate to charity.. possibly move to MN?? *shrugs*
Stop organized scheduled M-F 40 hours a week work immediately, do whatever I want every minute of each day, and use the money to fund random shit I felt like pursuing/testing/researching/visiting each day I wake up…obviously I would need some help/advice investing it, so I could continue to follow this plan indefinitely.
id hire you to get me shredded!!! haha
pay off my bills, quit my job and open a gunshop, and spend more time with my son. So when do you think this is gona happen?